Contact Information

Billing address

By checking this box you agree to the terms of purchase

**1. Introduction**
a. This document outlines the terms and conditions for participating in The Heck Yes Triple Threat Program by Carissa Woo

**2. Program Details**
a. The Program is designed to provide coaching, mentorship, and guidance to wedding professionals to enhance their skills, knowledge, and business practices.
b. Duration: The Program will run for 8 weeks from the start of enrollment.
c. Fees: $3,000 one time payment
Slput pay (2x $1650)

**3. Participation**
a. Eligibility: If selected, wedding pros are eligible to participate in the Program.
b. Commitment: The participant's commitment to attend the onboarding sessions, copywriting session, 2 coaching calls and off boading sessions, complete assignments, and actively engage in the coaching process.

**4. Confidentiality**
a. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information shared during coaching sessions, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

**5. Cancellation and Rescheduling**
a. You may reschedule coaching calls 24 hours before the call

**6. Intellectual Property**
a. Specify ownership of any materials, resources, or intellectual property developed during the Program.
b. Participants shall not share any materials provided by the Coach.

**7. Termination**
a. After 1st payment, there is no termination in this program. We will give you all deliverables.

**8. Liability**
a. There is no magic wand. We will give you all deliverables and guidance within these 2 months. Success is not guaranteed.

**9. Dispute Resolution**
a. Any disagreements are handled with coach and student. You have the final day on your overall brand and social media.

**10. Governing Law**
a. Specify the jurisdiction and governing law that will apply to this agreement.

**11. Changes to Terms**
a. Reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions with prior notice to participants.

**12. Agreement Acceptance**
a. Both parties should sign and date the agreement to indicate their acceptance of these terms and conditions.
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment $4000.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay 4x $1000.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Real people, real results.

“I booked $25,000 immediately after Carissa’s coaching program”

“On track to book $17,000 in January alone!! And I have 25 inquiries in the queue right now.”

"Got on 2 preferred vendor lists within 3 weeks!"
“I broke six-figures." Without this program, I would still be struggling in my dead-end 9-5.”
“Within a few weeks of joining Carissa's coaching program, I‘ve been getting great leads, already booked 3 weddings, and raised my prices by $1000.”
“Carissa gave me the confidence to work with high-end clients and seal deals. I confidently raised my rates by 50%, and I'm booked out for the year."

Heck Yes Triple Threat Program

  • Total payment
  • 1xHeck Yes Triple Threat$0

All prices in USD


Brand Messaging Overhaul 

  • DFY Homepage Copywriting (Brand Messaging Strategy and Brand Voice, Keywords, Description of Services, Personal & Company Bio)

Generate High-Quality Leads Through Vendors 

  • DFY Custom 10-15 page PDF Brochure to impress venue managers and secure your spot on vendor list

Craft a High-Converting Inquiry-to-Booking System

  • DFY Custom 10+ Page Strategic Deck to close couples within 48 hours Includes high-converting sales call script to master the sales call

>>>> BONUSES <<<<

 Private Coaching Calls!

  • Two (2) 45-Minute Calls (to be used within the 8 weeks of the program) Private, one-on-one calls with Carissa 

1 Year of Coaching!!

  • Group money mindset coaching


Content Calendar Worksheet!

  • Turn Followers into Inquiries Conversion-driven Content Calendar Worksheet (to help you create 6 months of scroll-stopping content)

21 Squares of Magic!
  • Transform your IG feed with our 21 Squares of Magic and "Become the One" people can't stop referring.
